Today's weather suprised me completely. Positevely of course.
Behind the glass is beautiful Sun,and tenacious thermometer indicated + 3 degrees.
Despite of all, I have decided to land nose behind the doors.
Of course, dog instantly sniffed out occasion, and it ended up on frenzy in gadrden .
Luckily, I've managed to get some photos.
I hope to that they will appeal you.
Dla zainteresowanych:
zdjęcie przedstawia pusty owocostan Magnolii gwiaździstej.
For interested:
Photo presents hollow infructescence of Magnolia stellata.
Photo presents hollow infructescence of Magnolia stellata.
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A tu jedne z ostatnich liści czereśni. Miały taki cudowny złocisty kolor, że po prostu musiałam im zrobić zdjęcie.
Here is one of the last leaves of cherry.
They've had so fabulous gold color, that I've absolutely had to shoot them a photo.
Fasolnik, a właściwie to co z niego zostało- liście oraz ponad 0,5 m (Wow!!!) strąki.
Peas, or rather that which left from him - leaves and over 0,5m (Wow!!!) pods.
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